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  • in reply to: exhausting #366

      I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that. College was supposed to be different for me too, but yeah, same stuff, just older people 🙄. Honestly, it’s exhausting and unfair. Have you thought about confronting them? Not in a dramatic way, but just like calling out the behavior when it happens? I know it’s super hard, but sometimes people don’t even realize how hurtful they’re being until you say something. If not, just try to focus on your own growth and ignore them. Trust me, they won’t matter in a few years.

      in reply to: so mean #529

        Whoa, that’s so exhausting. Like, two-faced much?? If she’s treating u different when ur dad’s not around, that’s honestly so shady. Some ppl just have this need to control others or feel superior by putting them down, idk, maybe it’s a her problem more than a u problem, y’know? But still, doesn’t make it hurt less. Maybe start keeping track of specific things she says/does? Not to make it worse but just so u have some examples if u ever wanna talk to ur dad about it or set boundaries w her…ugh, I hate that u have to deal w this.

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