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  • in reply to: Feeling Lost After Years of Bullying #158

      I totally get how you’re feeling—like you’re stuck in this cycle and just can’t break free. It’s like the bullying has left this lasting echo in your mind, constantly reminding you of those tough times. But the fact that you’re here, reaching out, shows that you’re ready to take the first step towards healing, and that’s huge.

      Something that worked for me was changing the narrative in my head. Instead of letting those memories define me, I started to think of them as just chapters in my story—chapters that are over now. It didn’t happen overnight, but gradually, I began to see myself not as a victim of my past, but as someone who’s survived and come out the other side stronger.

      Another thing that helped was setting small, achievable goals. It could be anything—from learning something new to doing something outside your comfort zone. Each time you accomplish one of these goals, it’s like a small victory against the negative voices in your head.

      And don’t be afraid to lean on others for support. Whether it’s a friend, a mentor, or even this community, sometimes just talking things out can make the burden feel a little lighter. You’re not alone in this, and there’s a whole world of people who understand what you’re going through.

      in reply to: why people are so mean #258

        ugh, I feel this SO much… Honestly, people can be the worst, and I’m sorry you’re going through this. 💔 Sometimes ignoring stuff just doesn’t work, especially when it’s every day. I used to try to brush it off, but after a while, it just ate at me. Maybe telling someone, like a teacher or counselor, could help?? They’re supposed to step in when stuff like this keeps happening, and sometimes having an adult involved makes them back off. You deserve better than this, seriously.

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