why laugh???

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      So there’s this dude in my Chinese class who keeps making fun of how I pronounce stuff. It’s getting kinda annoying, like I get it’s hard, but no need to make me feel stupid. Feels like I can’t ask questions without getting laughed at. Guess I just gotta suck it up?


        Ugh, that sucks :/ It’s already hard enough learning a new language without someone being rude about it. Honestly, I’d say don’t suck it up tho. Maybe next time he says something, call him out like, “Hey, I’m trying here. Can you chill?” Sometimes ppl don’t realize how much they’re being jerks unless someone tells them. And if he keeps doing it, maybe talk to your teacher? You’re there to learn, not to get laughed at smh.


          Bruh, wth. That’s so annoying. Like why do ppl gotta make fun of others for trying?? I’d be mad too. But also, nah, u don’t have to just suck it up. If it’s really bugging you, maybe try talking to him outside of class? Just be like, “Yo, I know you’re joking but it’s really not helping.” If he’s decent, he’ll back off. If not, well…that says more about him than u. Keep doing ur thing tho!!

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