
Home Forums Bondsfire “friend””😭

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      idk what to do anymore… my so-called “friends” keep making fun of me cuz i dont wear the same stuff they do. like wtf?? thought they were cool but guess not 😑


        Ugh, I feel u. That’s so frustrating when the ppl u think are ur friends act like that 😒 Honestly, sounds like they’re just insecure and wanna bring u down to feel better about themselves. If they can’t accept u for who u are and what u wear, they’re not real friends. Don’t let them make u feel bad for being different, that’s what makes u you!! Maybe try finding ppl who appreciate u for being yourself? It’s tough but so worth it, trust me ❤️


          Wow that’s so lame. It’s like, why even call them friends if they treat u like that??? I’ve had ppl like that too and honestly, once I stopped caring about their opinions, it got better. U gotta find ppl who like u for u, not for wearing the same stuff. Clothes don’t define who u are, it’s just…clothes. Don’t let them mess with ur vibe 💪

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