bullying in dorms

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      Ugh, my roommate keeps making these snide comments about me being “too quiet” and it’s really starting to get to me. Like, I’m just trying to mind my own business and study, but they keep pushing. Idk if I should confront them or just let it go, but it’s getting hard to ignore.


        Oh no, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that 🙁 It’s tough when your own space doesn’t feel peaceful. I know it can be really draining, especially when you’re just trying to study and keep to yourself. Maybe your roommate just doesn’t realize how their comments are affecting you? Sometimes people don’t think before they speak and don’t know how much their words can hurt. If you feel comfortable, maybe have a calm convo with them about how it’s making you feel. If they’re decent, they should understand. You deserve to feel comfortable in your own space. Sending hugs <3


          Yo, honestly? I’d just confront them straight up. Like, they’re clearly trying to push your buttons, and it’s super rude. It’s your space too, and you have a right to live how you want without someone making you feel weird about it. Next time they make a snide comment, hit ‘em back with something like, “Yeah, I’m quiet, but I’m focused, you got a problem with that?” or idk something that makes it clear you’re not here for their passive-aggressive BS. Letting it go might just let them think it’s okay to keep doing it, which it’s NOT.


            Ugh, that sucks so much, I totally get it. I’m more on the quiet side too, and people just don’t seem to understand that not everyone is chatty all the time. It’s like they take it personally or something?? Honestly, if it were me, I’d probably just ignore it for now and see if it fades out… but if it’s really bugging u and keeps happening, maybe try to talk to them? But, like, gently, so it doesn’t get weird. Just be like, “Hey, I’m not ignoring you or anything, I just need my quiet time to focus.” If they don’t get it after that, then it’s on them. You don’t owe anyone your energy 24/7.

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