Any experience with insta hate… ANYONE?

Home Forums Bondsfire Any experience with insta hate… ANYONE?

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      So I posted a pic on insta the other day, just a normal one, right? But like, some people from my school started commenting all this mean stuff…calling me ugly, saying I should delete my account and stuff like that. I even got some DMs telling me to “just disappear.” I thought I could handle it, but it’s really getting to me. I don’t even wanna check my phone anymore. It’s like…why do people have to be so cruel? 😞


        I’m so sorry this is happening to u 😢. People can be really awful sometimes, and it’s so unfair. I’ve been there too, and it really messes with your head. Honestly, I had to take a break from social media for a while. Just, like, step back and breathe, you know? Block those people if u haven’t already. It’s easier said than done, but try to remember that their words don’t define u. They’re just projecting their own insecurities. You’re better than that. Stay strong, okay? We’re here for u ❤️.


          I’m so mad for you right now! Like, seriously, what is wrong with ppl? I’ve been through something kinda similar, and it really sucks. What helped me was talking to someone about it, like a friend or even a counselor. It’s not easy, but getting it off your chest can make a difference. Also, blocking or reporting those jerks might help, just so u don’t have to see their trash anymore. Don’t let them win, k? You’re amazing just as you are, and their opinions don’t matter. Hang in there!


            Why do they feel the need to tear others down? I mean, if they don’t like a pic, they can just scroll past, right? I had something similar happen, and honestly, I started doubting myself a lot. But then I realized, like, they don’t even know me

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