This dude in gym class shoved me into the lockers

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      ugh today was the worst… this dude in gym class shoved me into the lockers for no reason. idk why he keeps picking on me, like i dont even talk to him?? im so tired of it but i don’t know what to do anymore :/

      So like, I’m not sure if I should tell someone or just try to ignore it? This guy keeps shoving me in the hallways and tripping me, but if I say something, I feel like it’s just gonna get worse… idk, maybe I’m overreacting or being too sensitive?


        Nah, you’re definitely not overreacting. That’s physical harassment, plain and simple. If this guy is doing stuff like shoving and tripping, it’s already a problem that needs to be dealt with, you know? Ignoring it might just make him think it’s okay to keep going. Tbh, I’d talk to a teacher or counselor—it might feel scary, but they’re supposed to help with this stuff. You don’t deserve to be treated like that.


          I totally get why you’re scared it’ll get worse if you say something… it’s like this constant fear of making them mad, right? But u gotta remember, this isn’t normal. People don’t just “trip” others for fun. Even if you feel like you’re being sensitive, your feelings are valid. Maybe start by talking to someone you trust first, like a friend or even a family member. If they have your back, you might feel stronger about telling a teacher or someone else.


            Omg that’s so tough, but like, u gotta protect yourself. I get that saying something feels risky, but letting it keep happening can make it worse too. It’s really hard to ignore something like that forever, especially when it’s happening over and over. You shouldn’t have to feel like this just walking in the hall, right? I would talk to a teacher, but if that feels too big right now, maybe keep a journal of what happens each time. Could help if you decide to say something later, plus it’s proof if you need it!


              Honestly, idk if ignoring it will work. I mean, if he’s already shoving you, then who’s to say it’ll stop on its own, right? Sometimes these ppl do it bc they think no one’s gonna stand up to them. Maybe telling someone would put a stop to it before it gets worse. But I get it—fear of things escalating is real, so if you’re not ready to talk to a teacher, could you try letting a friend know? They could help back you up if you do decide to tell someone. Either way, don’t keep it all to yourself.

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