school bulllies

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      I’m so tired of dealing with this everyday. School is supposed to be a place to learn, right? But for me, its become a nightmare. There’s this group of kids who won’t leave me alone. They make fun of everything I do, from the way I talk to the clothes I wear. I try to ignore them, but it’s hard when they’re constantly in my face.

      I’ve told a teacher before but nothing change. They just tell me to “ignore it” or “stand up for myself,” but that’s easy to say when you’re not the one being picked on. It’s like nobody understands how hard it is to deal with this on a daily basis.

      I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m starting to dread going to school everyday, and it’s making me feel so alone. Has anyone been through this? How did you get through it? I just want this to stop.


        I know how you feel, like every day is just a battle to get through. It’s really unfair that you have to deal with this when you’re just trying to go to school and do your thing. I’ve been in a similar situation, and I know how much it sucks to feel like nobody’s really helping you.

        What helped me a little was trying to find stuff that made me feel more confident, even if it was something small. Like, I started doing martial arts after school, and it made me feel stronger, even if it was just in my head. I also tried to stay away from the bullies as much as I could, like walking a different way to class and avoiding places they hung out.

        I know it feels like you’re alone, but you’re really not. A lot of us have been through it too. Try to keep talking to the adults around you until someone actually listens. Don’t let those jerks win. You got this.


          Man, that’s rough. I’ve been there, and it really wears you down. I remember feeling the exact same way, like every day was something to dread because of the bullying. It’s like, no matter how hard you try to do your own thing, they just won’t leave you alone.

          One thing that sorta helped me was writing about what was happening, like keeping a journal or something. It didn’t fix anything, but getting it out of my head and onto paper made it a little easier to handle. Also, do you have any friends or even just one person you can trust? Sometimes just having one person to talk to can make a huge difference.


            hey, I feel you. School should be a safe place but sometimes its just not. I’ve been there too, like I tried ignoring them but its not work. They just keep at it and it really messes with your head. I know how much it sucks to be alone in this, feeling like nobody really gets what you going through.

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